Tufflove Exposed

Thursday, August 25, 2005



Burnt popcorn anyone? I so suck at cooking that I cant even operate a microwave oven right. Me and my officemates went to the pantry since I brought food and popcorn. I overcooked the thing that half of the contents are burnt. I didnt read the instructions, I just put it in the microwave and had it set for 4 minutes and went on to watch TV...As im typing this blogpost I can still smell the burnt cheese flavor on my fingers.


I have changed my color again after 5 days of having blonde hair. My supervisor has been pestering me everyday to change the color. I purchased Colorsilk from Revlon and its a light golden brown shade and had Sandra (the stylist) do the application. I bought the color myself to make sure that I like the color. My hair grows so fast that after a week or so there are like dark roots and I did not like the offsetting. It looks dirty to me, but when Marvin saw me last night he prefers the blonde do. The color is just beautiful, natural looking but i still look a tanned white boy. In a week's time I had my hair done thrice and an officemate even said that they are gonna be watching out what my haircolor for next week.


I met up with Marvin and Sonny at McDonald's yesterday to just hang out and eat some grub. When we went inside the establishment, we saw a familiar face. It was stripperboi of malate, every saturday nights I usually see this guy on the ledge carrying a bottle of beer and dancing half naked hence the monicker. He also unzips his pants to to tease everybody, I never really paid much attention to him. I think he is a management trainee for the fastfood chain thats why he was there. He was looking at me for some reason, I was just thinking that he might have recognized me.Marvin said that he was trying to get my attention and I confirmed that when I went to the wash area. He went to the same place pretending to be busy and talking to a crew. I was like checking myself on the mirror and he checked the faucet that was in front of me which was working fine since I used it earlier (*wink, wink). I dunno if it was just that I had my haircolor changed or what but Polo told me last two weeks ago that he's an officemate's EX. Sorry bud! I dont go for an officemate/friend's ex and I'm dating somebody online...Mishu Sweepee!

FYI: Im like real sleepy doin this post that I almost fell asleep while typing. Forgive the typos and the grammar if there are any...

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"I'm dating somebody online"

Hmmm, how does one do that? :-)

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous #  


hahaha! thru YM, emails, phone calls and downelink...more like long distance relationship nyaha!...we met thru chaos couture's blog, messaging each other on his chatterbox...i guess blog can be a dating ground also...he's in cebu right now so we havent met each other as of yet...

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous #  


That's sweet of you sweepee... I mishu too... So much. Hope to be with you soon... ;-)

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous #  


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